Class CapacityProfile

  • public class CapacityProfile
    extends Object
    Represents a customer usage or production profile over time. For population models, the profile should represent the usage or production of a single individual in the population. The time period is defined by the start attribute and the length of the profile array. Models may generate profiles in two ways: (a) a "prototypical" profile is independent of time and state, while a (b) "state-dependent" profile is generated from the current state of the model and simulation. This distinction is important, because tariff evaluations based on state-dependent profiles cannot be compared to evaluations of other tariffs based on profiles generated in different states. In other words if a TariffEvaluator is given state-dependent profiles, it must consider all applicable tariffs every time it is called to evaluate tariffs; it cannot use cached evaluations. This can have a significant impact on the performance of the tariff evaluation process. Note that state-dependence is a customer-specific attribute, not a profile-specific or tariff-specific attribute. Therefore, a customer that submits state-dependent profiles must also set the the evaluateAllTariffs attribute of its TariffEvaluator. Instances are immutable.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • CapacityProfile

        public CapacityProfile​(double[] profile,
                               org.joda.time.Instant start)
        Constructor requires all attributes
    • Method Detail

      • getProfile

        public double[] getProfile()
      • getStart

        public org.joda.time.Instant getStart()