Class CapacityTransaction

  • @Domain(fields={"postedTimeslot","peakTimeslot","threshold","KWh","charge"})
    public class CapacityTransaction
    extends BrokerTransaction
    Represents the fee assessed by the Distribution Utility for peak capacity events. These are issued to each broker once for each capacity assessment interval.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • CapacityTransaction

        public CapacityTransaction​(Broker broker,
                                   int when,
                                   int peakTimeslot,
                                   double threshold,
                                   double kwh,
                                   double charge)
    • Method Detail

      • getPeakTimeslot

        public int getPeakTimeslot()
        When this peak occurred.
      • getThreshold

        public double getThreshold()
        The peak-demand threshold for this assessment.
      • getKWh

        public double getKWh()
        The amount by which this broker's total net consumption exceeded the threshold, in kWh.
      • getCharge

        public double getCharge()
        The total charge imposed by the DU for this assessment. Since this is a debit, it will always be negative.