Class MarketPosition

  • @Domain(fields={"broker","timeslot","balance"})
    public class MarketPosition
    extends Object
    A MarketPosition domain instance represents the current position of a single broker for wholesale power in a given timeslot. The evolution of this position over time is represented by the sequence of MarketTransaction instances for this broker and timeslot. These are created by the AccountingService and communicated to individual brokers after the market clears in each timeslot.
    Carsten Block, David Dauer, John Collins
    • Field Detail

      • id

        protected long id
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarketPosition

        public MarketPosition​(Broker broker,
                              int timeslot,
                              double balance)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public long getId()
      • getBroker

        public Broker getBroker()
      • getTimeslotIndex

        public int getTimeslotIndex()
      • getTimeslot

        public Timeslot getTimeslot()
      • getOverallBalance

        public double getOverallBalance()
      • updateBalance

        public double updateBalance​(double mWh)
        Adds a quantity to the current balance. Positive numbers signify purchased power, negative numbers signify sold power. Returns the resulting total balance