Class RegulationCapacity

  • @Domain(fields={"subscription","upRegulationCapacity","downRegulationCapacity"})
    public class RegulationCapacity
    extends Object
    Accumulates available regulation capacity for a given TariffSubscription. This is basically a data structure that holds two numbers: an amount of up-regulation capacity (non-negative), and an amount of down-regulation capacity (non-positive). The subscription is also included to simplify log analysis; in cases where no subscription is involved, this value should be null.
    John Collins
    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger log
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegulationCapacity

        public RegulationCapacity​(TariffSubscription subscription,
                                  double upRegulationCapacity,
                                  double downRegulationCapacity)
        Creates a new RegulationAccumulator instance specifying the amounts of regulating capacity available for up-regulation and down-regulation. Values are expressed with respect to the balancing market; a negative value means power is delivered to the customer (down-regulation), and a positive value means power is delivered to the balancing market (up-regulation).
      • RegulationCapacity

        public RegulationCapacity()
        Default constructor
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public long getId()
      • getSubscription

        public TariffSubscription getSubscription()
        Returns the subscription, if any, associated with this instance.
      • getUpRegulationCapacity

        public double getUpRegulationCapacity()
        Returns the available up-regulation capacity in kWh. Value is non-negative.
      • getDownRegulationCapacity

        public double getDownRegulationCapacity()
        Returns the available down-regulation capacity in kWh. Value is non-positive.