Class TariffTransaction

  • @Domain(fields={"postedTimeslot","txType","customerInfo","customerCount","KWh","charge","regulation"})
    public class TariffTransaction
    extends BrokerTransaction
    A TariffTransaction instance represents the kWh of energy consumed (kWh < 0) or produced kWh > 0 by some members of a specific customer model, in a specific timeslot, under a particular tariff. Note that this is an immutable type, and therefore is not auditable. Instances are created by the TariffMarket and communicated to brokers to represent customer interactions with tariffs (subscribe, consume, etc.).
    Carsten Block, John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • TariffTransaction

        public TariffTransaction​(Broker broker,
                                 int when,
                                 TariffTransaction.Type txType,
                                 TariffSpecification spec,
                                 CustomerInfo customer,
                                 int customerCount,
                                 double kWh,
                                 double charge,
                                 boolean regulation)
        Creates a new TariffTransaction for broker of type txType against a particular tariff spec and customer. Energy quantity and charge is specified from the Broker's viewpoint, so a consumption transaction would have kwh < 0 and charge > 0.
    • Method Detail

      • getCustomerCount

        public int getCustomerCount()
        Number of individual customers within the customer model represented by this transaction. The value will always be less than or equal to the population represented by the customerInfo.
      • getKWh

        public double getKWh()
        Returns the debit (negative) or credit (positive) to the broker's energy account in the current timeslot represented by this transaction.
      • getCharge

        public double getCharge()
        Returns the debit (negative) or credit (positive) to the broker's money account represented by this transaction.
      • isRegulation

        public boolean isRegulation()
        True just in case this is transaction reports exercise of regulation capacity.
      • getTariffSpec

        public TariffSpecification getTariffSpec()
        Returns the TariffSpecification instance to which this transaction applies.