Annotation Type ConfigurableValue

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String valueType
      Name of value type - must be one of String, Integer, Long, Double, or List
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean bootstrapState
      True if value must be saved in bootstrap record
      String constraintExpression
      Constraint expression
      String description
      User-oriented description
      boolean dump
      If true, dump this item during configuration dump
      String getter
      Name of method that retrieves the default value for this property.
      String name
      Name for this property.
      boolean publish
      True if value must be published to brokers
    • Element Detail

      • valueType

        String valueType
        Name of value type - must be one of String, Integer, Long, Double, or List
      • name

        String name
        Name for this property. If not given, it's extracted from the method name, by stripping off a prefix of 'set' or 'with' and decapitalizing the remaining substring.
      • getter

        String getter
        Name of method that retrieves the default value for this property. If not given, then the property name is capitalized and prefixed with 'get'
      • description

        String description
        User-oriented description
      • constraintExpression

        String constraintExpression
        Constraint expression
      • publish

        boolean publish
        True if value must be published to brokers
      • bootstrapState

        boolean bootstrapState
        True if value must be saved in bootstrap record
      • dump

        boolean dump
        If true, dump this item during configuration dump