Class ICT

  • public class ICT
    extends NotShiftingAppliance
    ICT are the appliances that are utilized mainly for work or to communicate with others from the household such as computers, telephone devices etc. They works only when someone is at home and uses them. So it's a not shifting appliance.
    1.5, Date: 2.25.12
    Antonios Chrysopoulos
    • Constructor Detail

      • ICT

        public ICT()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(String household,
                               Properties conf,
                               int seed)
        Description copied from class: Appliance
        This is the initialization function. It uses the variable values for the configuration file to create the appliance as it should for this type.
        initialize in class Appliance
      • fillDailyOperation

        public void fillDailyOperation​(int weekday)
        Description copied from class: Appliance
        This function fills out all the quarters of the appliance functions for a single day of the week.
        fillDailyOperation in class Appliance
      • refresh

        public void refresh()
        Description copied from class: Appliance
        At the end of each week the appliance models refresh their schedule. This way we have a realistic and dynamic model, changing function hours, consuming power and so on.
        refresh in class Appliance