Class OfficeComplex

  • public class OfficeComplex
    extends AbstractCustomer
    The office complex domain class is a set of offices that comprise a office building that consumes aggregated energy by the appliances installed in each office.
    1.5, Date: 2.25.12
    Antonios Chrysopoulos
    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger log
        logger for trace logging -- use, log.warn(), and log.error() appropriately. Use log.debug() for output you want to see in testing or debugging.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OfficeComplex

        public OfficeComplex​(String name)
        This is the constructor function of the OfficeComplex customer
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize()
        Description copied from class: AbstractCustomer
        Initializes the instance. Called after configuration, and after a call to setServices(). TODO -- do we really want this here?
        initialize in class AbstractCustomer
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(Properties conf,
                               int seed,
                               Map<CustomerInfo,​String> mapping)
        This is the initialization function. It uses the variable values for the configuration file to create the office complex with its offices and then fill them with persons and appliances.
      • subscribeDefault

        public void subscribeDefault​(TariffMarket tariffMarketService)
      • consumePower

        public void consumePower()
      • getOfficeMapping

        public Map<CustomerInfo,​String> getOfficeMapping()
        This function returns the inertia Map variable of the village.
      • getTariffEvaluators

        public Map<CustomerInfo,​TariffEvaluator> getTariffEvaluators()
        This function returns the period Map variable of the village.
      • getDominantLoad

        public double[] getDominantLoad​(String type)
        This function returns the dominant Consumption Load for a certain type of houses
      • getNonDominantLoad

        public double[] getNonDominantLoad​(String type)
        This function returns the non dominant Consumption Load for a certain type of houses
      • getOffices

        public Vector<Office> getOffices()
        This function returns a vector with all the offices that are present in this office complex.
      • getOffices

        public Vector<Office> getOffices​(String type)
        This function returns a vector with all the offices of a certain type that are present in this office complex.
      • evaluateTariffs

        public void evaluateTariffs​(List<Tariff> newTariffs)
        This is the basic evaluation function, taking into consideration the minimum cost without shifting the appliances' load but the tariff chosen is picked up randomly by using a possibility pattern. The better tariffs have more chances to be chosen.
        Specified by:
        evaluateTariffs in class AbstractCustomer