Class BalancingTransaction

  • @Domain(fields={"postedTimeslot","KWh","charge"})
    public class BalancingTransaction
    extends BrokerTransaction
    Represents the broker's final supply/demand imbalance in the current timeslot, and the Distribution Utility's charge for this imbalance.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • BalancingTransaction

        public BalancingTransaction​(Broker broker,
                                    int when,
                                    double kWh,
                                    double charge)
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantity

        public double getQuantity()
      • getKWh

        public double getKWh()
        Returns the total size of the imbalance in kWH, positive for surplus and negative for deficit
      • getCharge

        public double getCharge()
        Returns the total charge imposed by the DU for this imbalance -- positive for credit to broker, negative for debit from broker