CapacityAccumulator |
Communicates and accumulates capacity information, including production,
consumption, up-regulation, and down-regulation.
CapacityProfile |
Encapsulation represented real or hypothetical capacity over some
fixed number of timeslots.
CapacityStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one capacity.
Config |
Singleton configuration class shared by all the factored-customer types
CustomerStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one customer.
DefaultCapacityBundle |
A simple collection of capacity originators, all with the same base capacity
FactoredCustomerService |
Key class that processes the configuration file and creates a collection of customers
during the initialization process.
LearningCustomerCreator |
Creates instances of @code{LearningFactoredCustomer}
through the @code{CustomerFactory}.
ProbabilityDistribution |
Container class for one a large set of probability distribution samplers.
ProfileOptimizerStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements that control the
capacity profile optimization of a capacity bundle.
ProfileRecommendation |
Contains maps of opinions, scores, utilities, and choice probabilities for each CapacityProfile.
TariffSubscriberStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one tariff subscriber,
which typically corresponds to one capapcity bundle.
TimeseriesGenerator |
Utility class that generates various time series patterns that can be
used as base capacity series by implementations of @code{CapacityOriginator}.