Class DistributionTransaction

  • @Domain(fields={"postedTimeslot","NSmall","NLarge","KWh","charge"})
    public class DistributionTransaction
    extends BrokerTransaction
    Represents the fee assessed by the Distribution Utility for transport of energy over its facilities during the current timeslot. The kWh is the total energy delivered, which is the sum of the positive net load of the broker's customers, and the positive net export of energy through the wholesale market. Negative values are ignored.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistributionTransaction

        public DistributionTransaction​(Broker broker,
                                       int when,
                                       double kwh,
                                       double charge)
      • DistributionTransaction

        public DistributionTransaction​(Broker broker,
                                       int when,
                                       int nSmall,
                                       int nLarge,
                                       double kwh,
                                       double charge)
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantity

        public double getQuantity()
      • getKWh

        public double getKWh()
        Returns the transported energy quantity represented by this transaction. Will be non-zero only if transport fees are being assessed.
      • getNSmall

        public int getNSmall()
        Returns the number of small customer subscriptions for which meter fees are assessed.
      • getNLarge

        public int getNLarge()
        Returns the number of large customer subscriptions for which meter fees are assessed.
      • getCharge

        public double getCharge()
        Returns the total fee assessed for transport and customer connections.