Class TimeslotRepo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TimeslotRepo
    extends Object
    implements DomainRepo
    Repository for Timeslots. Timeslots are created with makeTimeslot(). Several query methods are supported, including currentTimeslot(), enabledTimeslots(), and findBySerialNumber(). The implementation makes a strong assumption that timeslots are created in sequence, and that each timeslot starts when the previous timeslots ends.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeslotRepo

        public TimeslotRepo()
        standard constructor
    • Method Detail

      • makeTimeslot

        public Timeslot makeTimeslot​(org.joda.time.Instant startTime)
        Creates a timeslot with the given start time. The sequence number of the timeslot is the number of timeslots since the simulation base time.
      • currentTimeslot

        public Timeslot currentTimeslot()
        Returns the timeslot for the current time.
      • currentSerialNumber

        public int currentSerialNumber()
        Returns the serial number of the current timeslot
      • findBySerialNumber

        public Timeslot findBySerialNumber​(int serialNumber)
        Returns the timeslot with the given serial number.
      • findOrCreateBySerialNumber

        public Timeslot findOrCreateBySerialNumber​(int serialNumber)
        Returns the timeslot with the given serial number.
      • createInitialTimeslots

        public void createInitialTimeslots()
        Creates timeslots to fill in the time from sim start to the current time. This is needed to initialize brokers.
      • findByInstant

        public Timeslot findByInstant​(org.joda.time.Instant time)
        Returns the timeslot (if any) corresponding to a particular Instant.
      • getTimeslotIndex

        public int getTimeslotIndex​(org.joda.time.Instant time)
        Converts time to timeslot index without actually creating a timeslot
      • getNext

        public Timeslot getNext​(Timeslot slot)
        Returns the following timeslot.
      • enabledTimeslots

        public List<Timeslot> enabledTimeslots()
        Returns the list of enabled timeslots, starting with the first by serial number. This code depends on the set of enabled timeslots being contiguous in the serial number sequence, and on a disabled timeslot never being re-enabled.
      • isTimeslotEnabled

        public boolean isTimeslotEnabled​(Timeslot ts)
        True just in case the specified timeslot is enabled.
      • isTimeslotEnabled

        public boolean isTimeslotEnabled​(int index)
        True just in case the timeslot with the given index is enabled.
      • count

        public int count()
        Returns the number of timeslots that have been successfully created.
      • add

        public void add​(Timeslot timeslot)
        Adds a timeslot that already exists. Visibility is public to support logfile analysis, should not be used in other contexts.
      • getTimeForIndex

        public org.joda.time.Instant getTimeForIndex​(int index)
        Converts int timeslot index to Instant
      • getDateTimeForIndex

        public org.joda.time.DateTime getDateTimeForIndex​(int index)
        Converts int timeslot index to DateTime in UTC timezone
      • recycle

        public void recycle()
        Description copied from interface: DomainRepo
        Implementations must clear out the repository in preparation for a new simulation.
        Specified by:
        recycle in interface DomainRepo