Class EvSocialClass

  • @ConfigurableInstance
    public class EvSocialClass
    extends AbstractCustomer
    Instances represent identifiable "classes" of EV customers. Each EvSocialClass aggregates a collection if EvCustomer instances, as determined by configuration. However, this class and not the EvCustomer class implements the AbstractCustomer interface, which means that each instance of EvSocialClass is specified in the configuration. This scheme allows dynamic configuration of the EvCustomer instances, each of which has a specific gender, social group, and car type, and the probabilities and other attributes of the various activities are a function of social class, as specified in the configuration. The configuration setup uses a set of tables: social class, social group, activity, and car type. Join tables add attributes between classes and groups, between classes and car types, and between groups and activities (for example, we expect the wealthier classes to be more likely to own a Tesla-80, and full-time workers are more likely to commute regularly). Because of the dynamic configuration, it is necessary to preserve the configuration between a boot session and a sim session. This is done by recording the attributes of individual customers created by the initial configuration at the start of a boot session, recording those attributes in the boot record, and re-loading the configuration from the boot record at the start of a sim session. In other words, the dynamic configuration happens only at the start of a boot session.
    Konstantina Valogianni, Govert Buijs, John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • EvSocialClass

        public EvSocialClass()
        Default constructor, requires manual setting of name
      • EvSocialClass

        public EvSocialClass​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize()
        Hooks up data structures, creates EvCustomers and corresponding CustomerInfo instances.
        initialize in class AbstractCustomer
      • getHomeChargerProbability

        public double getHomeChargerProbability()
      • evaluateTariffs

        public void evaluateTariffs​(List<Tariff> tariffs)
        This is the basic evaluation function, taking into consideration the minimum cost without shifting the appliances' load but the tariff chosen is picked up randomly by using a possibility pattern. The better tariffs have more chances to be chosen.
        Specified by:
        evaluateTariffs in class AbstractCustomer