Class RegulationRate

  • @Domain(fields={"tariffId","response","upRegulationPayment","downRegulationPayment"})
    public class RegulationRate
    extends RateCore
    Tariffs are composed of Rates, including RegulationRates. A RegulationRate specifies payments for up-regulation and down-regulation that might be used for balancing and might be different from the payments for ordinary consumption and/or production. Typically, the payment for up-regulation is positive (the customer is paid for energy supplied), and the payment for down-regulation is negative (the customer pays for energy delivered). The response of the regulated capacity is either fast (ResponseTime.SECONDS) or slow (ResponseTime.MINUTES). Examples of fast devices include resistance heaters and battery chargers. A heat pump is an example of a slow device -- once it's running, it must be kept running for several minutes; if it is stopped, it must be left off for several minutes before re-starting it. Typically, fast-response capacity is more valuable, and in the real world would be completely automated, perhaps by sensing grid frequency and up-regulating when the frequency drops, or down-regulating when frequency rises. Most tariffs that wish to pay for regulation capacity will include two RegulationRate instances, one for fast response and one for slower response. The determination of which one applies is delegated to the interaction between the balancing market and the customer models that are subscribed to the tariff. Note that (1) Up to two RegulationRates can be attached to a TariffSpecification -- one for fast response, and one for slow response; and (2) the inclusion of a RegulationRate overrides the maxCurtailment attribute of any Rates attached to the same TariffSpecification. In addition, any Customer model that subscribes to RegulationRates must post their available regulation capacity to their applicable TariffSubscriptions at the end of their per-timeslot activation processing.
    John Collins
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegulationRate

        public RegulationRate()
        Default constructor only. You create one of these with the constructor and the fluent-style setter methods. The tariff ID gets set when you attach one of these to a TariffSpecification.