Class LiftTruck

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LiftTruck
    extends AbstractCustomer
    implements CustomerModelAccessor
    Models the complement of lift trucks in a warehouse. There may be multiple trucks, some number of battery packs, and a daily/weekly work schedule. Since the lead-acid batteries in most lift trucks have a limited number of charge/discharge cycles, we do not assume the ability to discharge batteries into the grid to provide balancing capacity. However, the charging rate is variable, and balancing capacity can be provided by adjusting the rate. Batteries and battery chargers are not modeled directly; instead, we simply keep track of the overall battery capacity and how it changes when shifts start and end, and when chargers run. Instances are created using the configureInstances() method. In addition to simple parameters, configuration can specify a shift schedule and the number and initial state-of-charge of battery packs. The work schedule is specified with a list of strings called weeklySchedule that lays out blocks of shifts. Each block is of the form
    "block", d1, d2, ..., "shift" start, duration, ntrucks, "shift", ...
    where d1, d2, etc. are integers giving the days of the week covered by the block, with Sunday=0; start is an integer hour, duration is an integer number of hours, and ntrucks is the number of trucks that will be active during the shift.
    John Collins