All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAuditingEntity |
Base abstract class for entities which will hold definitions for created, last modified by and created,
last modified by date.
AbstractCustomer |
Abstract customer implementation
Accounting |
Common interface for the PowerTAC accounting service.
AccountingService |
AccountResource |
REST controller for managing the current user's account.
Action |
This is a simple interface intended to be implemented by
anonymous classes that need to create a deferred action of
some sort.
Activity |
Represents an activity that involves driving a vehicle.
ActivityDTO |
DTO for storing a user's activity.
ActivityService |
AirCondition |
Air Condition is the most common used electrical appliance to date that keeps
the household environment in the desired temperature.
AirCondition |
Air Condition is the most common used electrical appliance to date that keeps
the household environment in the desired temperature.
AirConditionClass |
This enumerator defines the different classes of Air Conditions available.
AirConditionClass |
This enumerator defines the different classes of Air Conditions available.
AirConditionOperation |
This enumerator defines the three different kinds of Air Conditions
AirConditionOperation |
This enumerator defines the three different kinds of Air Conditions
AirConditionPowerClass |
This enumerator defines the three power classes available for households.
AirConditionPowerClass |
This enumerator defines the three power classes available for households.
AirConditionType |
This enumerator defines the two different kinds of Air Conditions available.
AirConditionType |
This enumerator defines the two different kinds of Air Conditions available.
Analyzer |
Interface for analyzers
Appliance |
A appliance domain instance represents a single appliance inside a household.
Appliance |
A appliance domain instance represents a single appliance inside a household.
ApplicationProperties |
Properties specific to Visualizer 2.
ApplicationProperties.Connect |
ApplicationWebXml |
This is a helper Java class that provides an alternative to creating a web.xml.
AsyncConfiguration |
Auctioneer |
Interface that defines the publicly accessible methods
a Power TAC auctioneer has to implement.
AuctionService |
This is the wholesale day-ahead market.
AuditEventConverter |
AuditEventService |
Service for managing audit events.
AuditResource |
REST controller for getting the audit events.
AuthoritiesConstants |
Constants for Spring Security authorities.
Authority |
An authority (a security role) used by Spring Security.
AuthorityRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the Authority entity.
BadRequestAlertException |
BalanceReport |
Reports total net imbalance for a given timeslot, in kWh.
BalancingControlEvent |
Represents up-regulation or down-regulation by the DU as part of its
balancing process.
BalancingMarket |
Interface that defines the publicly accessible methods
a Power TAC balancing market has to implement.
BalancingMarketService |
BalancingOrder |
Represents an offer of balancing capacity from a broker to the DU.
BalancingTransaction |
Represents the broker's final supply/demand
imbalance in the current timeslot, and the Distribution Utility's charge
for this imbalance.
BankTransaction |
Represents interest charges and payments for brokers.
Battery |
Models a single grid-connected storage battery with configurable capacity,
max charge rate, max discharge rate, and efficiency.
BootDataExtractor |
BootstrapDataCollector |
Object that collects bootstrap data for initializing brokers.
BootstrapDataRepo |
Repository for data contained in a bootstrap record.
BootstrapState |
Implementers of this interface will be asked to record their state at the
end of a bootstrap session, for restoration at the beginning of the
corresponding sim session.
Broker |
A broker instance represents a competition participant.
Broker |
BrokerAccept |
This message is used to signify that the broker authentication is accepted.
BrokerAuthentication |
This message is used for authenticating a broker with the server.
BrokerConverter |
Converts a Broker instance to its username
BrokerProxy |
BrokerProxy is responsible for handling in- and outgoing communication with brokers
BrokerProxyService |
BrokerRepo |
Repository for Brokers, including competitors and other market participants.
BrokerRepository |
BrokerTransaction |
Superclass with common attributes for a number of transaction types.
Buyer |
This is a simple buyer that provides some amount of market liquidity, as
well as a modest amount of volatility, to the wholesale market.
CacheConfiguration |
CapacityAccumulator |
Communicates and accumulates capacity information, including production,
consumption, up-regulation, and down-regulation.
CapacityBundle |
CapacityControl |
Support for balancing market interactions between DU and customers/brokers.
CapacityControlService |
Service for managing balancing and economic controls.
CapacityOriginator |
CapacityProfile |
Represents a customer usage or production profile over time.
CapacityProfile |
Encapsulation represented real or hypothetical capacity over some
fixed number of timeslots.
CapacityStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one capacity.
CapacityStructure.BaseCapacityType |
CapacityStructure.ElasticityModelType |
CapacityStructure.InfluenceKind |
CapacityTransaction |
Represents the fee assessed by the Distribution Utility for peak
capacity events.
CarType |
Represents a type of electric vehicle.
CashPosition |
A CashPosition domain instance represents the current state of
a broker's cash account.
ChainedConstructor |
Annotation for chained constructors that should not generate
log records.
ChargeInfo |
Per-broker data holder for DU settlement processors
Chart |
A Chart.
ChartRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the Chart entity.
ChartResource |
REST controller for managing Chart.
ChartService |
Service Implementation for managing Chart.
CirculationPump |
Circulation Pump is the appliance that brings hot water to the household.
ClassCar |
Join table between EvSocialClass and CarType
ClassGroup |
Join table between EvSocialClass and SocialGroup
ClearedTrade |
A ClearedTrade instance reports public information about a specific
market clearing -- clearing price and total quantity traded.
CloudDatabaseConfiguration |
CoffeeMachine |
Refrigerator is in use in all the households in order to keep food preserved.
ColdStorage |
*** Description is incorrect ***
Model of a cold-storage warehouse with multiple refrigeration units.
Competition |
A competition instance represents a single PowerTAC competition and
at the same time serves as the place for all competition properties that can be
adjusted during competition setup (i.e.
CompetitionControl |
This is the core of the Power TAC simulation framework, responsible
for starting, running, and completing a competition.
CompetitionControlService |
This is the competition controller.
CompetitionService |
CompetitionSetup |
Handles the pre-game competition setup process.
CompetitionSetupService |
Manages command-line and file processing for pre-game simulation setup.
Computers |
Lights are utilized when the persons inhabiting the house have need for them
to light the rooms they are in.
Config |
Singleton configuration class shared by all the ev-customer types
Config |
Singleton configuration class shared by all the factored-customer types
ConfigurableInstance |
Marker interface for types that can have multiple instances created
by configuration.
ConfigurableValue |
Annotation for configuring a property of some instance.
ConfigurationLister |
This is a helper class for generating a sample configuration file from configured instances.
ConfigurationRecorder |
Interface for recording configuration information.
Configurator |
Fills in configured values from configuration source based on
annotations in the source code.
Constants |
Application constants.
ConsumerElectronics |
Consumer Electronics are the appliances that are utilized mainly for work or
entertainment in the household such as TV, DVD Players, Stereos and so on.
ConsumerElectronics |
Consumer Electronics are the appliances that are utilized mainly for work or
enteratinment in the household such as TV, DVD Players, Stereos and so on.
ContextService |
Services that implement this interface can serve as a conduit allowing
model elements to access Spring services by name.
ControlEvent |
Message sent by a broker to the subscribers to a particular tariff, requesting
them to curtail usage against that tariff in the specified timeslot.
CopyMachine |
Lights are utilized when the persons inhabiting the house have need for them
to light the rooms they are in.
CpGenco |
Represents a set of bulk producers distributed across the transmission
CustomAuditEventRepository |
An implementation of Spring Boot's AuditEventRepository.
Customer |
This entity represents a certain customer population within Power TAC game.
CustomerBootstrapData |
This message encapsulates net power usage by timeslot for a customer
instance over the bootstrap period.
CustomerConverter |
CustomerInfo |
A CustomerInfo instance represents a customer model (i.e.
CustomerInfo.CustomerClass |
CustomerModelAccessor |
Defines an interface for access to customer model details
that support tariff evaluation.
CustomerModelService |
Manages a set of customer models.
CustomerRepo |
Simple repository for Customer instances.
CustomerRepository |
CustomerServiceAccessor |
Accessors to allow customer models (which are not Spring beans)
to interface with sim services that are Spring beans
CustomerStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one customer.
CustomParameterizedException |
Custom, parameterized exception, which can be translated on the client side.
DatabaseConfiguration |
DateTimeFormatConfiguration |
DefaultBroker |
DefaultBrokerService |
Default broker implementation.
DefaultCapacityBundle |
A simple collection of capacity originators, all with the same base capacity
DefaultProfileUtil |
Utility class to load a Spring profile to be used as default
when there is no set in the environment or as command line argument.
Dishwasher |
Dishwashers are used in order to wash easily the dishes after eating.
DistributionReport |
Reports total consumption and total production in kwh across all customers
in a given timeslot.
DistributionTransaction |
Represents the fee assessed
by the Distribution Utility for transport of energy over its facilities
during the current timeslot.
DistributionUtilityService |
Implementation of the Distribution Utility function.
Domain |
Annotation for domain classes that must record instance
creation in the state log.
DomainBuilder |
An analyzer that populates repos, including brokers, tariffs,
orderbooks, timeslots, and customers
DomainObjectReader |
Processor for state log entries; creates domain object instances,
stores them in repositories as well as in a master repo indexed by
id value.
DomainProcessor |
DomainRepo |
DomainRepo types need to be recycled at pre-game time.
DomainUserDetailsService |
Authenticate a user from the database.
DoubleArrayConverter |
Dryer |
Dryer appliances are utilized by the inhabitants to order to dry the freshly
washed clothes.
DynamicSettlementProcessor |
DU settlement processor for Scenario 3 - controllable capacities, dynamic
solution over multiple timeslots.
EconomicControlEvent |
Message sent by a broker to the subscribers to a particular tariff, requesting
them to adjust usage against that tariff in the specified timeslot.
EmbeddedService |
This service runs Power TAC games (sim, boot and replay).
ErrorConstants |
EvCustomer |
EvCustomer.RiskAttitude |
EvSocialClass |
Instances represent identifiable "classes" of EV customers.
ExceptionTranslator |
Controller advice to translate the server side exceptions to client-friendly json structures.
FactoredCustomer |
FactoredCustomerService |
Key class that processes the configuration file and creates a collection of customers
during the initialization process.
FieldErrorVM |
File |
A File.
FileRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the File entity.
FileResource |
REST controller for managing File.
FileService |
Service Implementation for managing File.
FileType |
The FileType enumeration.
Freezer |
Freezer is the utilized in combination with the refrigerator in the
FullCustomerConverter |
FullyShiftingAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that can change / shift
their load without the need for the inhabitants interference.
FullyShiftingAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that can change / shift
their load without the need for the inhabitants interference.
Game |
A Game.
GameRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the Game entity.
GameResource |
REST controller for managing Game.
GameService |
Service Implementation for managing Game.
GameType |
The GameType enumeration.
Gaussian |
Gaussian |
Genco |
Represents a producer of power in the transmission domain.
Graph |
A Graph.
GraphRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the Graph entity.
GraphResource |
REST controller for managing Graph.
GraphService |
Service Implementation for managing Graph.
GraphType |
The GraphType enumeration.
GroupActivity |
Join table between SocialGroup and Activity.
HeaderUtil |
Utility class for HTTP headers creation.
HeaterType |
This enumerator defines the two different kinds of Water Heater appliances
Instant Heater: Utilized when in need from the house tenants and closed
afterwards Storage Heater: Always having warm water inside.
HourlyCharge |
Represents the cost of power during a specific timeslot in a variable
Household |
The household is the domain instance represents a single house with the
tenants living inside it and fully equipped with appliances statistically
HouseholdCustomerService |
Implements the Household Consumer Model.
ICT are the appliances that are utilized mainly for work or to communicate
with others from the household such as computers, telephone devices etc.
ICT are the appliances that are utilized mainly for work or to communicate
with others from the household such as computers, telephone devices etc.
IdGenerator |
Generates numeric ID values for domain types.
InitializationService |
Implementations of this interface are expected to initialize individual
plugins prior to the beginning of a game.
InitMessage |
An initial context message will be sent to clients who subscribe on a
Visualizer web channel.
InternalServerErrorException |
Simple exception with a message, that returns an Internal Server Error code.
InvalidPasswordException |
JmsManagementService |
LearningCustomerCreator |
Creates instances of @code{LearningFactoredCustomer}
through the @code{CustomerFactory}.
LiftTruck |
Models the complement of lift trucks in a warehouse.
Lights |
Lights are utilized when the persons inhabiting the house have need for them
to light the rooms they are in.
Lights |
Lights are utilized when the persons inhabiting the house have need for them
to light the rooms they are in.
ListTools |
A collection of static methods intended to simplify list processing
LocaleConfiguration |
LoggerVM |
View Model object for storing a Logback logger.
LoggingAspect |
Aspect for logging execution of service and repository Spring components.
LoggingAspectConfiguration |
LoggingConfiguration |
LoginAlreadyUsedException |
LogService |
Support for per-game logging.
LogsResource |
Controller for view and managing Log Level at runtime.
Logtool |
This is the top level of the top-down version of the
Power TAC logtool analyzer.
LogtoolContext |
Abstract class to hook an Analyzer into the Spring Context.
LogtoolCore |
Reads a state log file, re-creates and updates objects, calls
LogtoolExecutor |
ManagedRepo |
Domain repos that do active memory management.
ManagedUserVM |
View Model extending the UserDTO, which is meant to be used in the user management UI.
MarketBootstrapData |
Encapsulates market prices and quantities over the bootstrap period.
MarketPosition |
A MarketPosition domain instance represents the current position of a
single broker for wholesale power in a given timeslot.
MarketTransaction |
A MarketTransaction instance represents a trade in the wholesale market.
Message |
Message.Type |
MessageDispatcher |
Static resource for dispatching messages.
MessageDispatcher |
ADAPTED FROM broker core
MessageHandler |
This is an implementation of the Initializable interface.
MessageRouter |
MetricsConfiguration |
MicrowaveOven |
MicrowaveOven is the kitchen utility we use for cooking.
MisoBuyer |
Buys energy to meet demand in a large wholesale market.
MissingDomainObject |
Mode |
This enumerator defines the four different modes of semi-automatic appliances
Mode one: the washing has to finish within five hours from the loading point.
ModelBuilder |
Builds model components from configuration.
ModelComponent |
Abstract customer model component, intended to compose composite
customer models.
MostlyPresentPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that spents most of its time inside
the house.
NewObjectListener |
Implementations can receive notifications of new objects.
NewTariffListener |
Implementors of this interface can be notified of new tariff publication
by calling registerNewTariffListener(this) on the TariffMarket.
NoopAnalyzer |
NotShiftingAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that cannot change /
shift their load at all.
NotShiftingAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that cannot change /
shift their load at all.
Office |
The office is the domain instance represents a single working facility with
the workers acting inside it and fully equipped with appliances statistically
OfficeComplex |
The office complex domain class is a set of offices that comprise a office
building that consumes aggregated energy by the appliances installed in each
OfficeComplexConstants |
This class contains constant definitions used throughout the office complex
OfficeComplexCustomerService |
Implements the Office Consumer Model.
Order |
A Order instance represents a market (no price specified) or a limit
(min/max price specified) order in the PowerTAC wholesale market.
Orderbook |
An orderbook instance captures a snapshot of the PowerTAC wholesale market's orderbook
(the un-cleared bids and asks remaining after the market is cleared).
OrderbookOrder |
Each instance is an individual un-cleared entry (a Bid or an Ask) within
an Orderbook.
OrderbookRepo |
Repository for Orderbooks.
OrderStatus |
Represents a response from the server about an Order that could not be
processed by the Auctioneer.
OrderStatus.Status |
Others |
The Other appliances contain several type of appliances that cannot be in any
other category of appliances such as air condition or small heaters and so
PaginationUtil |
Utility class for handling pagination.
Pair<L,R> |
Simple generic immutable pair structure
ParameterizedErrorVM |
View Model for sending a parameterized error message.
PauseRelease |
This message is used by a broker to release a pause in the simulation that
was previously requested by the same broker.
PauseRequest |
This message is used by a broker to request a pause in the simulation.
PeriodicPresentPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that works in a regular basis for a
number of days in the week.
PeriodicPresentPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that works in a regular basis for a
number of days in the week.
PersistenceAuditEventRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the PersistentAuditEvent entity.
PersistentAuditEvent |
Persist AuditEvent managed by the Spring Boot actuator
PersistentToken |
Persistent tokens are used by Spring Security to automatically log in users.
PersistentTokenRememberMeServices |
Custom implementation of Spring Security's RememberMeServices.
PersistentTokenRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the PersistentToken entity.
Person |
A person domain instance represents a single person in its real life
activities The person is living in a house, it may work, it goes to the
movies, it is sick, it goes on a vacation trip.
Person |
A person domain instance represents a single person in its real life
PhysicalEnvironment |
Common Interface for the Physical Environment module.
PowerTacException |
Generic PowerTAC Exception
PowerTacServer |
This is the top level of the Power TAC server.
PowerType |
Types of power a Customer can produce or consume.
PowerTypeConverter |
Converts Timeslot instances by serial number.
Predicate<T> |
Interface used for filtering and other testing purposes.
ProbabilityDistribution |
Container class for one a large set of probability distribution samplers.
ProfileInfoResource |
Resource to return information about the currently running Spring profiles.
ProfileOptimizerStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements that control the
capacity profile optimization of a capacity bundle.
ProfileOptimizerStructure.ProfileSelectionMethod |
ProfileOptimizerStructure.UsageChargeStance |
ProfileRecommendation |
Contains maps of opinions, scores, utilities, and choice probabilities for each CapacityProfile.
ProfileRecommendation.Listener |
PropertiesUtil |
ProxyAuthenticator |
Pusher |
RandomlyAbsentPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that works in shifts that may vary
form week to week or from month to month.
RandomSeed |
RandomSeed is used to store generated random seed in the database in
order to be able to "replay" PowerTAC competitions later on with
exactly the same random seed settings as originally used.
RandomSeedRepo |
Repository for RandomSeed instances.
RandomUtil |
Utility class for generating random Strings.
Rate |
Tariffs are composed of Rates.
RateCore |
Common supertype of Rate classes, holds tariff ID for this rate.
Reaction |
This enumerator defines the four different reaction patterns of washing
machine By loading the machine in the morning, a task that might have been
done at another time of the day and selecting shifting interval the household
resident shows a strong reaction.
RecycleRepository<T> |
Refrigerator |
Refrigerator is in use in all the households in order to keep food preserved.
Refrigerator |
Refrigerator is in use in all the households in order to keep food preserved.
RegulationAccumulator |
Accumulates available regulation capacity for a given TariffSubscription.
RegulationCapacity |
Accumulates available regulation capacity for a given TariffSubscription.
RegulationRate |
Tariffs are composed of Rates, including RegulationRates.
RegulationRate.ResponseTime |
RepeatingTimedAction |
A timedAction
RetailKPIHolder |
Keeps track of customer status and usage.
SecurityConfiguration |
SecurityUtils |
Utility class for Spring Security.
SeedIdGenerator |
Static source of ID values to label RandomSeed instances.
ServerConfiguration |
Support for annotation-driven configuration.
ServerMessageReceiver |
ServerProperties |
Supports server configuration by allowing components to retrieve property
values from a standard Java properties file.
ServerPropertiesService |
Implementation of the ServerProperties and ServerConfiguration interfaces.
Servers |
Lights are utilized when the persons inhabiting the house have need for them
to light the rooms they are in.
SettlementContext |
Context interface for settlement processors.
SettlementProcessor |
Computes charges to settle broker imbalances.
SimEnd |
This message is used to communicate the end of a simulation.
SimPause |
This message is used to communicate a pause in a simulation.
SimpleGencoService |
SimResume |
This message is used to communicate a revised simulation start time
prior to the end of a simulation pause.
SimStart |
This message is used to communicate the simulation start time from server
to brokers in the last few seconds before the simulation starts.
SimulationClockControl |
Timer-based clock management for the Power TAC simulator.
SimulationClockControl.Status |
SocialGroup |
SpaceHeater |
Space Heater is a electric appliance utilized to keep the rooms of a
household warm when needed.
SpringApplicationContext |
Static methods to access the Spring application context.
SpringSecurityAuditorAware |
Implementation of AuditorAware based on Spring Security.
StateChange |
Annotation for methods that must trigger state-log entries.
StateLogging |
Implement uniform state-logging using aspects.
StateLogService |
Initializes state log files by copying the current domain schema to the log.
StaticSettlementProcessor |
DU settlement processor for Scenario 2 - controllable capacities,
one-shot static solution
Naming convention: Price is per-unit, Cost is price * qty
Status |
This enumerator defines the state of a person.
Status |
This enumerator defines the state of a person.
StepInfo |
Data-holder class, instances are used to communicate dynamic information
to and transport information back from the step() method of a
model component.
Stove |
Stove is the kitchen utility we use for cooking.
StructureInstance |
SyncFilesService |
Tariff |
Entity wrapper for TariffSpecification that supports Tariff evaluation
and billing.
Tariff |
Tariff.State |
TariffEvaluationHelper |
Probe object that can be used by customer models and other players
to generate cost estimates for tariffs, including a risk-adjusted
estimates of the actual cost of
variable-rate tariffs.
TariffEvaluator |
Tariff evaluation process intended to simplify customer models.
TariffExpire |
Request to change expiration date on an existing tariff.
TariffMarket |
Tariff Market Receives, validates, and stores new tariffs, enforces tariff
validity rules.
TariffMarketService |
Implements the Tariff Market abstraction.
TariffMessage |
Supertype of all tariff-related messages that can be processed by
a TariffMessageProcessor.
TariffRepo |
Repository for TariffSpecifications, Tariffs, Rates, and other related types.
TariffRepository |
TariffRevoke |
Message created by a broker to request revocation of an existing tariff.
TariffSpecification |
Represents a Tariff offered by a Broker to customers.
TariffSpecificationConverter |
TariffStatus |
Represents a response from server to broker to publication or update
of a tariff.
TariffStatus.Status |
TariffSubscriberStructure |
Data-holder class for parsed configuration elements of one tariff subscriber,
which typically corresponds to one capapcity bundle.
TariffSubscription |
A TariffSubscription is an entity representing an association between a Customer
and a Tariff.
TariffSubscriptionRepo |
Repository for TariffSubscriptions.
TariffTransaction |
A TariffTransaction instance represents the kWh of energy consumed
(kWh < 0 ) or produced kWh > 0 by some members of a
specific customer model, in a specific timeslot, under a particular tariff.
TariffTransaction.Type |
TariffUpdate |
Command object that represents a broker's request to update a tariff, either
to change its expiration date or to revoke it.
TickSnapshot |
A model object used for storing per-tick (i.e., time slot) values.
TickSnapshotRepository |
TickValueBroker |
This object holds broker values obtained in a time slot.
TickValueCustomer |
TimedAction |
Generic action type that takes time as an argument.
TimeseriesGenerator |
Utility class that generates various time series patterns that can be
used as base capacity series by implementations of @code{CapacityOriginator}.
TimeService |
This is the simulation time-keeper and event queue.
Timeslot |
A timeslot instance describes an interval of time (slot) for which power may be
traded in the wholesale market.
TimeslotComplete |
Message type that is guaranteed to be sent to brokers as the last
outgoing message in a timeslot.
TimeslotPhaseProcessor |
Plugins must extend this class in order to be invoked during timeslot
processing by the CompetitionControl.
TimeslotRepo |
Repository for Timeslots.
TimeslotUpdate |
Message type that communicates to brokers the set of timeslots that are
"open" for trading.
TournamentSchedulerService |
TournamentService |
TransactionFactory |
Constructs transaction objects in a way that guarantees that the correct
data goes into the state log, without requiring unnecessary couplings
on the part of transaction sources.
User |
A user.
UserDTO |
A DTO representing a user, with his authorities.
UserMapper |
Mapper for the entity User and its DTO UserDTO.
UserMapperImpl |
UserNotActivatedException |
This exception is throw in case of a not activated user trying to authenticate.
UserRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the User entity.
UserResource |
REST controller for managing users.
UserService |
Service class for managing users.
UtilityOptimizer |
ValidatableMessage |
Classes of this type may implement the isValid() method to perform
a local validation of the contents of a message.
VariableRateUpdate |
Conveys an HourlyCharge instance, labeled by its Tariff and
VendingMachine |
Refrigerator is in use in all the households in order to keep food preserved.
View |
A View.
ViewRepository |
Spring Data JPA repository for the View entity.
ViewResource |
REST controller for managing View.
ViewService |
Service Implementation for managing View.
Village |
The village domain class is a set of households that comprise a small village
that consumes aggregated energy by the appliances installed in each
VillageConstants |
This class contains constant definitions used throughout the household
Visualizer2App |
VisualizerMessageListener |
Implementors of this interface will be notified of selected events
necessary for visualization by calling registerVisualizerMessageListener(this)
on VisualizerProxy.
VisualizerProxy |
Visualization Proxy is responsible for forwarding selected server data
to any registered visualizer
VisualizerProxyService |
Connects the server with a Visualizer
VisualizerService |
VisualizerService.VisualizerState |
VisualizerStatusRequest |
Message sent by a remote visualizer to check status of a server.
WashingMachine |
Washing Machine is used to wash clothes easily.
WaterHeater |
Water Heater is an appliance utilized to provide with hot water when we need
to bathe.
WeatherForecast |
A collection of weatherForecastPredictions giving hourly forecasts for
future timeslots.
WeatherForecastPrediction |
A weather forecast report instance that describes the weather data
WeatherForecastRepo |
Repository for WeatherReports.
WeatherReport |
A weather report instance that describes the weather data for one hour of the
WeatherReportRepo |
Repository for WeatherReports.
WeatherSensitiveAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that start their
operation when the weather conditions impose to do so.
WeatherSensitiveAppliance |
This is the class for the appliance domain instances that start their
operation when the weather conditions impose to do so.
WeatherService |
WebConfigurer |
Configuration of web application with Servlet 3.0 APIs.
WebsocketConfiguration |
WebsocketSecurityConfiguration |
WholesaleKPIHolder |
Keeps track of wholesale market, 24 timelots at a time.
WorkingPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that works.
WorkingPerson |
This is the instance of the person type that works.
XMLMessageConverter |
Initializes the XStream message serialization system
XStreamStateLoggable |